Resins, Extracts and Essential Oils

Breu Branco Resin
Protium heptaphyllum

The resin consists of a large number of monoterpenes, such as α-pyrene (10.5%), limonene (16.9%), α-phellandrene (16.7%) and
terpinolene (28.5%). Due to its aromatic property, the resin is widely used in perfumes and toiletries as well as in soap manufacturing.

The limonene, present in the resin of breu-branco, is a common component in fragrances and essences.

ATTENTION: This is not Breu Branco essential oil, a blend or an extract. It is the pure resin of the tree, solid.

Jabuticaba's Hydrolate
Myrciaria cauliflora

Jabuticaba – Myrciaria cauliora Hydrolate is an essential oil from the leaves of the jabuticabeira, through the process of steam distillation.

The chemical constituents identied in the oil belong to 6 biosynthetic classes: monoterpenes, monoterpenic hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated sesquiterpenes

Lemon Leaf Hydrolate
Citrus aurantifolia

Lemon Leaf Hydrolate has a greenish-yellow color and exudes the parcial aroma of fresh lemon. Its active components include pinene, limonene, felandrene, camphene, linalol, linalyl and geranyl acetates, citral and citronellal.

Lemon Leaf Hydrolate has specials properties, including its ability to stimulate the white blood cells that protect the body from infection.

It has a tonic effect on the circulatory system, and is especially suitable for treating varicose veins.

Rosemary Pepper Oil - Alecrim Pimenta
Lippia sidoides

The Rosemary Pepper is a Thymol producing wild plant, growing in the vegetation of Caatinga in Brazil Northeastern, but nowadays it is cultivated in medicinal gardens, to produce natural essential with incredible and excellent antimicrobian action against several kind of bacteria and fungi.

An application example is about a very efficient combat against Streptococcus mutans, causative of dental caries, and Corynebacteriun xerosis, causative of smelly armpits. Its oil can be used mainly in pharmaceutical, cosmetic industries.

Joazeiro Bark
Zizyphus joazeiro

The Zyziphus bark extract has detergent and anti-septic action. Normally it is used to hair care products to combat dandruff, seborrhea, in preparations for oral hygiene in skin products and mucosal disorders.

It can be added to creams, creamy and hydroalcoholic lotions, shampoos, gels, soaps, facial masks, cleansing lotions and other cosmetics products. This product is indicated for cosmetic use only.

Mulateiro Bark
Calycophyllum spruceanum

It’s extracts contains a high amount of tannin chemicals which give it an astringent effect. Contain a high content of phenols and organic acids which have demonstrated antibacterial, antifungal and insecticidal activity.

Presents strong antioxidant activity, which may explain its traditional use to stop the aging process of the skin. Application: For fungal infections of the skin (athlete’s foot, nail fungus, etc.); for skin parasites; for Candida and yeast infections; as a skin aid for wrinkles, scars, freckles, and age spots; for diabetes

Urucum Oily Extract
ANNATO - Bixa orellana

The urucum oily extract works such as skin protector, against ultra violet radiation from solar light, help on the skin cicatrization process, also antioxidant effect supporting the skin’s free radical elimination The high level of the unsaturated fat acid promotes the complete and fast skin absorption.

Jambu Oil
Spilanthes oleracea

The jambu has antioxidant, anti-inammatory and diuretic properties. It’s main components are spilanthol, a fatty acid amide (Nisobutylamides), sigmasteryl-3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside and a number of triterpenes. The active ingredient spilanthol is proposed to be responsible for most its biological activities.

Spilanthol has strong pungent taste; it may produce local astringency and anaesthetic effects. Its economic potential includes its use in pharmaceuticals, as a nutritional supplement and beauty care cosmetics.

Application: For fungal infections of the skin (athlete’s foot, nail fungus, etc.); for skin parasites; for Candida and yeast infections; as a skin aid for wrinkles, scars, freckles, and age spots; for diabetes

Óleo de Copaiba
Copaifera langsdorffii

Estudos demonstraram que a eficiência terapêutica da resina de óleo integral é maior que a de qualquer outra parte isolada da Copaibeira.

In vivo e in vitro a pesquisa mostrou que os óleos de várias espécies da Copaíba possuem várias propriedades terapêuticas.

Anti-inamatório e antibiótico natural.
Poderosa anti-micosis (destrói ou previne o crescimento de fungos miscroscópicos). Tem propriedades anti-sépticas, tanto tópica como internamente, atuando nos aparelhos respiratórios e urinários. Uso na indústria de perfumes.